School Registration Number: 660/6028
Ysgol Caban Aur (YCA) is an Independent School for children and young people placed in care of Afon Goch Children’s Homes Ltd (AGCH). The school is an integral part of AGCH which places children within one of its two homes: Afon Goch and Caban Aur. YCA is registered with the Welsh Government as an independent special school. Learners can enrol at whatever point of their secondary education, aged 11 – 16 years.
The school is based at AGCH’s second home; Caban Aur, which is set in its own grounds in a rural setting, surrounded by a nature reserve. Ynys Mon (Anglesey) and nearby Eryri (Snowdonia) are well endowed with learning opportunities: both from the natural environment and from the very large and varied selection of sites of interest; historical, cultural, outdoor activities and recreation.
The proprietor of YCA, Louise Irving is also the Responsible Individual for AGCH coordinating the two homes that relieve the pain, restore hope and bring beauty to the world of the looked after children. At YCA, each child is supported in learning and approaching their own values; overriding limiting beliefs; and setting and achieving goals for the future.
Our aim is to support learners to engage positively in their education to have better life-chances through developing greater self-confidence, motivation to learn, enjoyment in learning and having support in trying to realise their new aspirations.
YCA is committed to effectively providing to each individual learner, an appropriate educational experience, ensuring that all learners are given the opportunities to allow them to thrive, both during their time in the school and after they have left Ysgol Caban Aur and Afon Goch Children’s Home.